
Hostel Facility–Accommodation available: There is a hostel for the boys and a newly built hostel for the girls with the basic provisions such as beds, tables, chairs, fans, cupboards, water purifier, hot water facility, toilet facility electricity etc. There is a separate rector with his/her residence very close to the hostel. A guard is provided to the girls’ hostel for security purpose. The hostels also accommodate a guest house each with two rooms and also a health centre. Medical inspection room is also available.
Recreational facilities, gymnasium, yoga center, etc.: Two daily newspapers are provided to the boys’ and girls’ hostels.
The sports facility for the indoor games like chess and carom is also available.
Gymnasium is there in college campus.
Computer facility including access to internet in hostel: A computer with access to internet is provided to each of the hostels.
Facilities for medical emergencies: There is a health Centre with 2 beds in each hostel. First-aid-kit is available in the main building of college at two prominent places. A lady doctor named Dr. Rohini Patil is available in the immediate vicinity for the emergency cases.
Library facility in the hostels: Library facility is provided in the Boys’ and Girls’ hostels. It is partly funded by the faculty. It is looked after by the hostel students.The Rectors of the Boys’ and Girls’ hostel have their residence close to the hostels.
One Staff Quarter is available in the hostel.
Water purifiers have been installed in the hostels.
First aid kits have been made available in the hostels.
The institution provides free hostel accommodation to the needy students. The number of beneficiaries is 5 boys and 5 girls.
Hostel Facilities are available to both girls and boys. The newly built girls’ hostel has all the modern amenities. The hostel students are under the parental care of the rector. Celebration of hostel days twice a year and other activities engage and entertain the students. The college administration is sensitive to their needs and responds immediately.